Joleen Mallory
YCWC BSW RSW 308A-115 2nd Ave. N, Saskatoon, Sask. * By appt. only - No receptionist 306-270-4954 [email protected] *Not currently accepting new clients I am a Registered Social Worker, practicing in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I am experienced in working with children, youth, adults, and senior citizens. I am experienced in crisis counselling, solution focused-therapies, and positive psychology. I am committed to working with you to reach your wellness goals, I practice from a strength-based, client centered approach. I really enjoy the work that I do! I work with individuals age 5 and up as well as adults in the following areas:
* Clients: Youths, Adults, Seniors * Intensive Trauma Treatment Certification * Training and Complex Trauma Certification * Health Canada NIHB Approved Therapist |
Joleen Mallory's contact info
308A-115 2nd Ave. N, Saskatoon, Sask. 306-270-4954 [email protected] Day, Evening and Weekend Appts | In Person, Virtual, and Phone Appts. * By appt. only - No receptionist |